Competitive Advantage Through Digitalization


"Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a digital business."


  • Unclear goal, vision, objectives
  • Lack of understanding for the end-user perspective
  • Unrealistic estimation for the technical challenge
  • Lack of qualified resources to solve the problems
  • Unexperienced project management

"25% of IT projects fail."
(International Data Corporation)


  • Also working agile, a clear goal definition and sufficient analysis is essential
  • Have a very good understanding of the domain, the users, and their work
  • Set up a team which has the right balance of domain experts, end users, and computer scientist
  • Invest in excellent project management with experience in technology projects
  • Be clear about how digitalization brings your business a competitive advantage

Digitalization Services

Product Configuration / CPQ


One of the major drivers behind a product configuration system, or CPQ (configure, price, quote) system, is the need to handle complexity. The market demands customized products, but it is a real challenge to offer individualized products while keeping cost and lead times down.

The competition in the market demands mass customization, and we need to find technical solutions to address this challenge. Product configuration is therefore a promising and appropriate starting point for any digitalization initiative within your organization.

Due to the inherent complexity involved in selecting, combining, and engineering products, product configuration is of special relevance among the business support systems. Product configuration is also a process which stretches across the most fundamental disciplines of a company - from product design through sales, via engineering to manufacturing and service.


Value analysis CPQ - what is in it for you?

Technology and tool evaluation

Standardization and modularization

Implementation based on standard tooling or custom application


Configuration technologies

Product modeling and description

Tool customization and software development

Integration and architecture


Tools: Tacton, CAS Merlin, Configit

Technologies: constraint-based, rule-based, compiled

Domains: energy, healthcare, manufacturing, telecom

Applications: sales, engineering, production, modernization

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

It turns out that product configuration is one of the oldest and most successful applications of artificial intelligence. In this area it is all about symbolic AI, in particular the use of logic programming. Constraint-based approaches are very suitable for solving the kind of complex problems related to product configuration and pricing.

When we hear of AI today it is much about the connectionist approach where data and probabilities are utilized. Deep learning and random forest are two preferred technologies we use for solving and analysing problems based on probabilistic inference. These technologies can be very powerful for using data to solve problems in business applications.


Evaluation of technologies

Data analysis

Education and trainings




Deep learning based on FastAI / PyTorch

Random Forest and other analysis methods

Data analysis with Python or R

Data visualization

Logic programming


Unstructured data (e.g. classification)

Structured data (tabular)

Recommendation systems

Expert systems

Agile Methodologies


Waterfall, Iterative, or Agile? Of course, we will definiteley only use the agile approach to software development today. But please let us not completely throw away the ideas of the "old" methodologies. For example, systematic and thorough requirements engineering is as relevant today as ever. When digitalization projects fail, what we often observe is a lack of understanding for the requirements, the domain, or even for the goals!

Agile is an extremely powerful way of ensuring rapid progress while keeping the end user / customer in focus all the time. Working in distributed teams makes the digital support for the project execution essential. You need a deep understanding and extensive experience of agile and SCRUM to bring your software project to a successful end - on time and in budget!


General consulting on Agile Methodologies

Support for introduction and setup

Consulting on specific topics

Product owning



Agile project management

Scrum framework

Scoping, Requirements breakdown, Product backlog

Agile estimation and forecasting



Product ownership and product management

Agile project management

Scrum master

Virtual teams

Web Development

Web Development

Web development is a fast moving environment and it is easy to loose track. In order not to make wrong decisions for the future it is necessary to stay on top and keep the overview. There are many technologies and tools but what is the right for your task at hand?

A general rule is not to overdo things and pick the simplest tool for the task. You need a homepage? Utilize the main free and fast resources around like W3schools. Need a simple web shop? Have a look at WordPress. If you need a more complex application there are many alternatives. Maybe first consider what you already are familiar with. Our choice when no other constraints: Django + Vue.js


Guidance on technology and tools

Analysis and architecture recommendation

Prototyping and proof of concept

Implementation and customization

Integration with the system environment


Full-stack development

Web security

Web architecture

Technology and tools


Front-end: JavaScript, Vue.js, Angular

Backend: Python, Java, Django, Spring

Integration: REST, SQL, knowledge graphs

Hosting: AWS, heroku, Azure, CI / CD

Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering

Martin Fowler was quoted with saying "You should use iterative development only on projects that you want to succeed", and this still holds true. Unfortunately I see too often a lack of attention to the elaboration part of the iterative process of software development. What does that mean? Jumping to solutions too quickly or missing your goals because the end-user view was not sufficiently understood.

Requirements analysis is needed also in an agile world. There is excellent tooling for integrated analysis and development. For example I really like how Confluence and Jira play together to make our life easier. For a successful requirements analysis, let our structured method help you ask the right questions, consider the right aspects, and build a solid base for your software project.


Project scoping and planning

Stakeholder analysis

Scenario and User Story generation

Requirements evaluation

Initial product backlog


Proven standard methodology

Tool expertise

Agile and iterative project management

Requirements engineering


Requirements management

Product management

Complex project situations

Stakeholder management

Various domain areas

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

The challenge of inventory management is that information is distributed on many systems, is difficult to access, and potentially wrong or missing. If there is no end-to-end view of your inventory this leads to an inefficient use of existing resources. Inventory management projects fail when integration costs rise unexpectedly and implementation timeframes are exceeded.

On the contrary, a successful and flexible inventory management means efficient usage of existing resources for best value of your assets. When there is up-to-date information, there is also less re-work, and comprehensive planning is possible.


Assessment and planning

Process consulting

Architecture and design

Implementation support


Resource management

Cable and network management

Service management

Change management

Integration and data synchronization


Telecommunication network management

Corporate network asset management

Network planning and configuration



Jonas G F Pettersson


Research scientist, consultant, project manager, and business developer with 20+ years of experience from digitilization projects in the manufacturing industry. Many years of management and consulting for agile software projects with internationally distributed teams.


Deep expertise in a broad range of computer science / software engineering technologies, especially artificial intelligence (symbolic and connectionist), product configuration, and web development.


Various domain areas such as energy sector, telecommunication, manufacturing, industry automation, building technology, and healthcare. Consulting activities, particularly in the areas of product configuration, data science and machine learning.


Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 664 8011745359

Lets get in touch and talk about your challenge.

Wien Stadtpark